Mining informational and analytical bulletin

Published since 1992, Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal).





ISSN 0236-1493

• Editor-in-Chief Valery N. Zakharov
• MIAB is a peer reviewed journal on science and technology published since 1992.
• MIAB publishes papers on technology and geosciences.
• MIAB presents papers on mining and allied subjects: geotechnology (surface, underground, construction), geomechanics, rock failure, mine aerogasdynamics, geoecology of mining and processing industry, applied mining geology, mining geophysics, surveying, subsoil geometry, mining machines, mineral processing, theoretical framework of geotechnical engineering, geoinformation science, mining safety, energy physics and energy efficiency in mining industry, production management and control in mining, health and safety in mining industry; as well as symposium and conference papers, reviews of defended dissertations, summaries and reviews of new books on related topics, and other literary material on public and historical matters. 
• MIAB authors are scientists and lecturers from research institutions and universities, managers of mining companies, as well as engineers and young specialists from Russia and other countries of the world.
• MIAB is on the List of Scientific Periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for publishing of research works by candidates for a degree in engineering sciences and geosciences.
• MIAB is a hardcover book-size journal in print, and is freely available online at
• Publication frequency is 12 issues a year. MIAB issues are mostly available by subscription.
• MIAB is indexed in in the database Russian Science Citation Index and in the scientometric database Scopus.
• MIAB is delivered to all top libraries in Russia, CIS countries and Mongolia.
 MIAB publishes special issues devoted to specific regions or subjects on request from regional organizations: Yakutia, Far East, Kuznetsk Basin, Transbaikalia, Belarus, Mongolia, Aerology, Methane, Functional Metallic Materials, Safety, Material Science, Coal Mining Safety, Mining Machinery, etc. 

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Subscribing to MIAB

Cost of one issue of 2025 (paper version)

1800.00 Rub. No VAT

Separate print of the article

500.00 Rub. No VAT

The cost of annual subscription for 2025 of the paper version of the magazine (12 issues)

22500.00 Rub. No VAT

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