Author’s Guidelines

Submission of a manuscript

Prepare your manuscript using the template.

Prepare accompanying documents: claim for publication from author(s) and recommendations for publication from an organization.

All Authors should be mindful of great slow-down caused to work of the Editorial Office by manuscripts prepared without compliance with the Authors’ Guidelines. The period of reviewing of such manuscripts extends greatly. For this reason, the Authors are strongly recommended to submit finalized, corrected and checked manuscripts to avoid continuous follow-up and rewriting later on. After printing deadline (a month before an issue is coming out), no any corrections or amendments to dummy layout (on-line version) is possible. For this reason, any error in fact revealed (e.g., an author is unspecified, wrong author’s info is given, wrong grant number is presented, etc.) should be immediately reported to the editorship via e-mail address To facilitate the article identification, indicate the title and authors of the article in the error notification letter.

No more than three articles of one and the same author / team of authors can be published within a calendar year at a time span of three issues or more.

The Journal publishes articles of Russian and foreign researchers. Manuscripts can be either in Russian or in English. The foreign manuscripts in English should be provided with the Russian translation of the title, abstract, keywords, author’s info, as well as captions of figures and tables. To publish an article in English, a Russian-speaking author should submit both the Russian and English versions of the manuscript for the editorial staff to check the translation quality and to facilitate the reviewing process of the manuscript.

• The scope of the submitted manuscripts should embrace topics of solid mineral mining or processing. It is required to specify an area of science where the manuscript’s subject belongs. The manuscript will be rejected if its subject agrees with none of the Journal sections.

• Authors are responsible to ensure the originality of their submission, including figures, appropriate citation or quoting, and the absence of misborrowing. The article with the originality less than 80% and repeating previous publications of the author(s) may be rejected.

• When creating the submission, it is important to take into account modern studies of Russian and foreign researchers, published in scientific periodicals included in reputed international databases.

• The submission package should include a contractan application for publication, a recommendation for the publication from an institution and an expert opinion by institution where the study has been accomplished. Students and post-graduates may submit a recommendation for the publication from their research manager. The contract wiht a signature must be send to the editorial office by Pochta Rossii to address: 119049, Voscow, Leninsky Prospect, 6, building 7, office 3.

• The full text of the paper is submitted in Word.doc format (with Doc file extension) and in PDF format.

• Figures in jpg format should be submitted as a separate file and also should be included in the text.

• Make sure that the size of the manuscript is 19 000–38 000 printed characters including blank spaces, a review may be no more than 64 000 printed characters including blank spaces. The manuscript, accompanying documents and figures should be submitted online using an online form in your personal cabinet after registration on the Journal’s website:



Structure of a manuscript:


The articles written in English should be in sound and easy language for better understanding. Please use proper English grammar, spelling and punctuation. Please never use machine translation.

•    Title:  no abbreviation and transliteration, expect for untranslatable proper nouns, for instance, names of equipment. The same is valid for the Abstract and Keywords;

•    Byline:  use BSI ( for the transliteration into Latin characters. The order of co-authors is usually governed by contribution made by each co-author to the study. The name order in English should be as follows: first name, second name, last name, e.g. Natalia R. Panova;

•    Author information: each co-author should provide data on ORCID ID, academic degree, academic rank, job position, affiliation, city, country, e-mail address). A contact author should be indicated with a phone number and an e-mail address;

•    Full official name of organization(s) of all co-authors with department identity specified as in SCOPUS database (no abbreviations allowed), official address (city, post code, country). Each co-author should provide only one official affiliation to be reliably identified in Russian and international databases;

•     Abstract: The Abstract should be free from citations and abbreviations. The Abstract should be:

- informative (please avoid verbalism); 

- original; 

- sapid (reflective of the main contents of the text and research findings); 

- well-structured (following the logic of the main text, briefing the central ideals, staring from the problem, goals and methods of research and finishing with research outcomes and major conclusions); 

- written in reasonably good English;

- short (from 200 to 260 words);

•   Keywords:  no abbreviation or quotation marks are allowed here;

•    Figure captions;

•    Table captions.


Main body (may be both in English and in Russian):

•    It is recommended to write concisely, in a scientific style, with clarity, objectivity and precision, without reiteration of data given in tables and figure in the main body of the text. All references, tables and figures must be referred to in the main body in the text. In-text references should appear as numbers in accord with their order in the List of References, in square brackets.

•    Structure of the Main Text: 

- Introduction – justifies the relevance of the research topic, reviews literature on the topic, as well as presents the problem formulation, goals and objectives of the research;

- Materials and Methods – describes the methods and flow charts of tests/observations so that other scientists could reproduce the results only based on the text of the article;

describes materials, instrumentation, equipment, sampling and experimental/observation conditions;

- Results – demonstration of actual research findings (text, tables, plots, diagrams, equations, photos, figures). 

- Discussion – interpretation of the obtained results, including their conformity with the research hypothesis;  

- constraints of the research and generalization of the results; proposals on application;

- proposed trends of future research;

- Conclusions – brief outcomes without repeating expressions and wording of the main text.

- Acknowledgments – vote of thanks for the help and financial suppоrt.

- References

•    UDC index should be provided on the first page of the manuscript.

•    The text, figures, flowcharts, diagrams and tables should be in Microsoft Word.docx. Figures should be clear and high-resolution for machine perception. Please avoid minor data unrelated directly with the text. Photos and figures should have captions with explanation of all digital symbols and legend.

•    Presentation of physical units and notations should follow the International System of Units (SI).

•    Please avoid auto-numbering when preparing List of References

•    No period is needed after any headings, names of authors and captions. Please avoid commas between the names and initials of authors to eliminate difficulties in identification of the authors in database.

•    The preferred editor for mathematical equations is MathType.



List of References (in English)


For references originally published in Russian, the author’ s name should be transliterated, and the titles of publications should be translated.

For references originally published in Russian:

• Journals: the author's name is given in Latin characters (Ivanov O. K.); the title of the article is translated into English; the name of the journal is transliterated (in case there is no official name in English). Items for references to articles published in journals should appear in the following order: (1) Author’s name, (2) Title of paper, (3) Full title of journal, (4) Year of publication, (5) Volume number (vol.), (6) Issue number (no.), (7) Page span (pp.), (8) Language (In Russ.), (9) DOI (if any or URL (if any).

• Books: the title is translated. The publishing information should appear in the following order: (1) City (or Country if the City is obscure), (2) Name (should be transliterated, not translated), (2) Year of publication, (3) Page number in digits. For example: Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2015, 230 p.

• When citing a book, an article from conference references or other sources a priory known to never be included in the international scientometric databases, it is recommended to translate and not transliterate their titles with indication of the original language (In Russ.).


•  How to cite references to article in collected works, conference proceedings and Internet sources:

1. Author’s name in Latin characters.

2. Publisher (transliterated). 

3. City, Country (in full, in English).

4. Year of publication (e.g. 2021).

5. Volume (vol.), Issue (no.), Page span (pp.)


Examples of references originally published in Russian


Супрун И. К. Прогноз пространственного напряженно-деформированного состояния грунтового массива при проходке тоннелей технологией с пригрузом забоя // Записки Горного института. — 2012. — № 196. — C. 94—100.

Suprun I. K. Prediction of three-dimensional stress state in soil under tunneling with additional loading on face. Zapiski Gornogo instituta. 2012, no. 196, pp. 94—100. [In Russ].

Черданцев Н. В., Черданцев С. В. Геомеханическое состояние массива горных пород, вмещающего выработку и дизъюнктивное нарушение // Вестник КузГТУ. — 2014. — № 6. — C. 3—12.

Cherdantsev N. V., Cherdantsev S. V. Geomechanical behavior of rock mass enclosing an excavation and a disjunction, Vestnik Kuzbasskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. 2014, no. 6, pp. 3—12. [In Russ].


Collected works:

Шамшиев О., Шевкунов А. Г. Структурно-формационные и металлогенические особенности стратиформных толщ горного обрамления Южной Ферганы // Сборник ФПИ. — 1990. С. 53.

Shamshiev O., Shevkunov A. G. Structure and metallogeny of stratiform rock mass framing the Southern Fergana area, Sbornik FPI. 1990, pp. 53. [In Russ].


Conference proceedings

Козлов С. Д., Матюхина М. А., Абрамов Н. М., Захарченко О. В. Стеклофибробетон / Инновационное подходы в современной науке. Материалы I международной научно-практической конференции. — М.: Изд-во Интернаука, 2017. — С. 9—13.

Kozlov S. D., Matyukhina M. A., Abramov N. M., Zakharchenko O. V. Steklofibrobeton / Glass fiber reinforced concrete, Materials of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference. Moscow, Internauka Publ., 2017, pp. 9—13. [In Russ].


Internet sources

Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao В. P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 1999. Vol. 5, no. 2. available at: www. issue2/ (accessed 15.07.2018).


Вводная информация о коптерах (мультироторных платформах) [электронный ресурс] — режим доступа: (обращение 20.04.2018).

Background information on drones (multi-rotor platforms), available at: (accessed 20.04.2018)


•  How to cite books, chapters, theses and dissertations:

1. Names of all co-authors (in Latin characters).

2. Title (translated into English).

3. City or country of publication (full name in English).

4. Publisher (transliterated.

5. Year of publication (four digit format).

6. Other (Book—size in pages; Chapter—chapter number, page span, and the book size in pages in parenthesis).


Examples of references originally published in Russian


Kostin L. E. Ensuring the Reliability of Complex Technical Systems in Extreme Situations, Moscow, Progress, 1992, 215 p. [In Russ].



Kostin L. E. Ensuring the Reliability of Complex Technical Systems in Extreme Situations, Moscow, Progress, 1992, ch.3.2, pp.124-168 (215 p.). [In Russ].



Kuzin D. P. The Entry of Scientific and Industrial Enterprises in the Market Economy. Abstract of Ph. D.  thesis, Moscow, MSU, 2001, 120 p. [In Russ].


•  How to cite references to collected works and conference proceedings generally:

1. Name of a conference or title of collected works (translated into English).

3. Place of printing (city or country in English)

4. Publisher (in Latin characters).

5 Year of publication (four digit format).

6. Other (size in pages.


Example of references to conference proceedings generally:

Problems of Informatics. Scientific Conference, Abstracts of Papers. Samara, Sputnik, 1992, 53 p. [In Russ].


•  How to cite references to other sources (some items may be omitted if they are absent in the original source:

1. Names of all co-authors (in Latin characters).

2. Title (in English).

3. City or country of publication (full name in English).

4. Publisher (transliterated).

5. Year of publication (four digit format).

6. Other (size in pages).


References originally published in English


References to sources originally published in English should follow the original. No comma is put between the last and first names of the authors.


Journal articles:

Cooper L. P., Scheer D. D. Status of advanced for space-based orbital transfer vehicle. Acta Astronautica, 1988, no. 5, pp. 515–529.



Abbott A. System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.,1988, 245 p.


Online source:

Pitkow J., Kehoel C. GVU’s WWW user surveys, available at:, 1997.

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