General information about the Journal

The Journal Gorny Informatsionno-Analiticheskiy Byulleten (nauchno-teknicheskii zhurnal)) (MIAB) is published since 1992 as a scientific and educational publication. The Journal has achieved a wide readership among leading mining researchers and practitioners, mine management, engineers, post graduate students and students of mining universities, and has become a top-ranked dedicated journal in the mining sector in Russia.

The target audience and the authorship of MIAB embrace scientists from the higher schools, institutions within the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as mining sector institutes, management of mining companies, engineers from Russia and from foreign countries, both professionals and entrants.

MIAB reflects the whole business situation and innovative potential available to date in the mining sector.

MIAB is registered as a mass medium in compliance with the effective legislation of the Russian Federation by the Federal Service for Supervision of CommunicationsInformation Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Certificate PI No. FS77–70578 dated August 15, 2017.


The Journal is granted the International Standard Serial Number—ISSN 0236-1493.


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