
• Geotechnology

• Geomechanics, Rock Failure

• Mine Aerodynamics and Thermophysics

• Geoecology

• Applied Mining Geology and Geophysics

• Surveying and Subsoil Geometry

• Mining Machines

• Mineral Processing

• Theoretical Framework of Geotechnical Engineering

• Geoinformation Science

• Energy Performance and Efficiency of Mining Industry

• Production Engineering and Management in Mining

Technosphere Safety in Mining Industry


The themes listed above may also be addressed in review articles which are to contain analysis, generalization and assessment of information from earlier Russian and foreign scientific publications qualified as primary sources. As a rule, the number of such sources should be not less than 20 (exclusive of Internet source references).

Supplementary sections (no strict compliance with article preparation standards is required). The articles placed in supplementary sections are assumed as free publications

• Mining: Scientific-and-Engineering Information and Analysis, History, Essays

• Anniversary Celebrations

• Advertising

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