Publication fee

The Editorial Office of MIAB offers editing and printing services to assist authors in preparation and publication of scientific articles. The scope of the services encompasses standard compliance tracking and reviewing, technical editing, makeup, picture and photo processing, mechanical production, revision, metadata translation, preparation and delivery of articles to the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, international citation databases EBSCO, Scopus, to Digital Object Identifier System, CrossRef, placement of articles on website, printing, production and distribution. The service fee is 3500 Rub per page from January 1, 2025. 

•   There are no fees for post-graduate students to publish scientific articles.

•   All manuscripts submitted to MIAB are subjected to peer review. Decision to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board on the ground of output of the expert evaluation.

•  Since 2017 as required by international databases Publisher assigns DOI numbers to articles published in MIAB. Please contact the Editorial Office to find out details of the DOI assignment procedure. The DOI number cost is charged to all authors unexceptionally.

•   Articles with color figures can be published as agreed upon with The Editorial Office of MIAB.

• The Editorial Office provides English translation services.

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