Fluid flow modeling to determine water balance in catchments during coal mine closure

To assess the water balance components of abandoning coal mines, a regional flow model was created. The outer boundary of the model is the combined catchment area of all mine fields. The adequacy of the model was proven by solving inverse geofiltration problems, and a satisfactory agreement between the natural and model balance components and the position of groundwater levels was obtained. When reproducing the current situation, depression cone around each of the mines are clearly visible on the model, and a regional depression cone is also formed. In the first model layer, the aquifer is preserved, which corresponds to real-life conditions: in the valleys of rivers and ravines, springs continue to discharge. Non-stationary solutions were implemented using the forecast model, the purpose of which was to study and analyze flooding processes and their consequences. The shutdown of all drainage systems, the filling of mine workings and aquifers, and the restoration of groundwater levels were simulated. After the mine drainage is turned off, the depression funnel begins to fill, and discharge into the rivers is restored. Restoration of levels within mine fields occurs within 2–4 years. Complete filling of the regional depression cone ends in 5–7 years. In low-lying areas, flooding of residential and industrial buildings is predicted.

Keywords: coal deposits, mines, mining, water-removing, flooding, balance components, groundwater flooding, numerical modeling.
For citation:

Rybnikov P. A., Rybnikova L. S. Fluid flow modeling to determine water balance in catchments during coal mine closure. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2025;(1-1):193-207. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2025_11_0_193.


The research was carried out State Assignment No. 075-00412-22 PR of the Institute of Mining, Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences. Topic 2 (2022–2024) «Development of geoinformation technologies for assessing the protection of mining areas and forecasting the development of negative processes in subsoil use» (FUWE-2022-0002) No. 1021062010532-7-1.5.1.

Issue number: 1
Year: 2025
Page number: 193-207
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 556.502
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2025_11_0_193
Article receipt date: 16.07.2024
Date of review receipt: 28.10.2024
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.12.2024
About authors:

P.A. Rybnikov, Cand. Sci. (Geol. Mineral.), Assistant Professor, Ural State Mining University, 620144, Ekaterinburg, Russia, e-mail: ribnikoff@yandex.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7829-5035,
L.S. Rybnikova, Dr. Sci. (Geol. Mineral.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Mining, Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 620075, Ekaterinburg, Russia, e-mail: luserib@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4221-7879.


For contacts:

L.S. Rybnikova, e-mail: luserib@mail.ru.


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