Effect of activating treatment of halite flotation waste in backfill mixture preparation

It is proposed to include backfill in water-soluble ore mining as an alternative choice to reduce the risk of manmade accidents. It is recommended to prepare backfill mixtures using halite flotation waste, which can improve both the engineering-and-economical performance of a mine and the ecological situation in the area of mining. The factors governing the choice of a technology of mining with backfill are discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of backfilling are identified. Preparation of cemented backfill mixture and its improvement using activating components are described. The problem associated with haulage of backfill mixture from preparation area to placement site is analyzed. Specially produced materials to be used as an inert aggregate in backfill mixtures can be replaced by halite flotation waste after activating treatment in disintegrators, which can cut down the backfill cost at the preserved project parameters of backfill. It is found that activation of halite flotation waste used as an inert aggregate in backfill mixture appreciably improves the quality of backfill, its flowability and strength. Backfill mixture prepared using activated halite waste is less stratifiable, better flowable and more uniform. The process flow chart is developed for preparation of backfill mixtures using halite flotation waste after activation by disintegration. The concept of the no-waste technology, with use of middlings within the cycle manufacturing is proposed.

Keywords: activation, waste-less production, geotechnology, disintegrator, backfilling, fill mass, backfill, rock mass, development of strength, mining waste, underground mining, waste piles, haulage, pipeline, flotation tailings.
For citation:

Кongar-Syuryun Ch. B., Faradzhov V. V., Tyulyaeva Yu. S., Khayrutdinov A. M. Effect of activating treatment of halite flotation waste in backfill mixture preparation. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(1):43-57. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-1-0-43-57.

Issue number: 1
Year: 2021
Page number: 43-57
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.(34+363.2).(83+85);502.3/7;504.06:622
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-1-0-43-57
Article receipt date: 20.02.2020
Date of review receipt: 18.07.2020
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.12.2020
About authors:

Ch.B. Кongar-Syuryun1, Student, e-mail: Cheynesh95@mail.ru,
V.V. Faradzhov1, Head of International Academic Mobility Department, e-mail: vasif.faradzhov@yandex.ru,
Yu.S. Tyulyaeva1, Student, e-mail: tyulyaevayu@gmail.com,
A.M. Khayrutdinov1, Student, e-mail: khayrutdinov.albert99@gmail.com,
1 National University of Science and Technology «MISiS», 119049, Moscow, Russia.


For contacts:

Ch.B. Кongar-Syuryun, e-mail: Cheynesh95@mail.ru.


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