Methods of forming an integral risk assessment in mine and underground construction

Authors: Kulikova Е.Yu.

Integrated assessment of the quality of mine / underground construction, taking into account the complex indicator of the state of the natural and technical geosystem “rock mass — technology — underground object — environment” is very important for optimizing construction according to the quality criterion of the adopted technology. This assessment takes a special place in determining the potential danger that exists in the mining and construction industry, if it is necessary to assess the risk integrally, without going into the details of the construction processes. Thus, the assessment of integral risk allows o determining the level of safety of mining and construction production. The main objective of the assessment is to change the primary parameters of the mine/ underground construction object in such a way that the value of the integral risk becomes acceptable. Changing each primary parameter is associated with the development of measures to minimize the risk. The article shows methods of integral risk assessment taking into account direct damages of a mining enterprise or construction organization. The method of forming an integrated risk assessment is based on the methodology of integrated assessments, which defines a system of formal and expert procedures and can be applied to a wide class of assessment tasks. The method is a systematic approach to ensuring the safety of the natural and technical geosystem “rock mass — technology — underground object — environment”. At the same time, the method allows predicting the impact of certain conditions that lead to the occurrence of dangerous events in the mine or mining and construction industry. This forecast does not constitute the main essence of the methodology, but allows you to rationally organize the functioning of mining production, prevent accidents and minimize losses and economic damage to the enterprise. The methodology can be implemented in two directions — the binar structure and the statistical distribution of damage.

Keywords: risk, integral assessment, convolution matrix, damage, distribution, risk management.
For citation:

Kulikova E.Yu. Methods of forming an integral risk assessment in mine and underground construction. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(2—1):124-133. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/02361493-2021-21-0-124-133.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2021
Page number: 124-133
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 624
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-21-0-124-133
Article receipt date: 21.12.2020
Date of review receipt: 12.01.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 01.02.2021
About authors:

Kulikova E.Yu., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Proffessor, Department “Safety and Ecology of Mining Production”,, NUST «MISiS», Moscow, Russia.

For contacts:

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