The results of experimental studies of the thermal regime of oil mines in the thermal method of oil production

The article shows that thermal impact on an oil reservoir, carried out to intensify oil production, leads to an excess of air temperatures in mine workings of values determined by safety rules, which limits the working time of people and reduces labor productivity. The article describes a technique for carrying out field studies and presents the results of measuring the thermodynamic parameters of the air environment in mine workings of 12 slope blocks of oil mines. The sources of heat in mine workings are determined: transported oil, heated oil reservoir, steam pipelines containing rocks, steam breakthroughs. The maximum values of air temperature, air humidity, average temperature of the walls of the working and the average temperature of the transported oil-containing liquid for slope blocks, differentiated by operation time, were obtained. Correlation analysis of the statistical relationship between the average air temperature from the surface temperature of the rock massif, the specific increment of air enthalpy in the drilling gallery from the block development time is carried out, and the fraction of latent heat release is established, depending on the block development time. A method is proposed for determining the values of the air temperature increment in the drilling gallery t and the moisture content increment d for each stage of development.

Keywords: thermal regime, oil pipeline, ventilation, ventilation well, air temperature, climatic parameters, thermal extraction method, thermodynamic parameters, air heating, air enthalpy.
For citation:

Gendler S. G., Fazylov I. R., Abashin A. N. The results of experimental studies of the thermal regime of oil mines in the thermal method of oil production. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(6—1):248—262. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_61_0_248.


The research was performed at the expense of the subsidy for the state assignment in the field of scientific activity for 2021 №FSR W-2020—0014

Issue number: 6
Year: 2022
Page number: 248-262
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.4
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_61_0_248
Article receipt date: 14.01.2022
Date of review receipt: 30.05.2022
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.05.2022
About authors:

Gendler S. G., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor of Safety Department,, Saint Petersburg Mining University, St Petersburg, 199106, Russia, e-mail:;
Fazylov I. R., second year postgraduate student,, Saint Petersburg Mining University, St Petersburg, 199106, Russia, e-mail: Fazylov_IR@;
Abashin A. N., Head of Industrial Safety Department of PJSC “Lukoil”, PJSC “Lukoil”, Moscow, 101000, Russia, e-mail:


For contacts:

Fazylov I. R., e-mail:


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