Improving technologies for metals leaching during ore deposit development

The steady growth in the consumption of mineral raw materials, the depletion of resources available for mining and the change in the geography of the development of ore deposits increase the urgency of the problems of improving metal mining technologies, including new methods. The purpose of research in this area is to identify and substantiate promising innovative technologies, including the leaching of metals from the tailings of primary processing to ensure the sustainable operation of mining enterprises. The development of new natural and resource-saving technologies has been studied to a lesser extent compared with other areas of mining production. The efficiency of the development of rack-and-pinion drilling rigs has been studied, accelerating the solution of problems of underground deep and block leaching of ores, as well as inactive waste accumulated in dumps. It is proved that the productivity of drilling wells for various purposes, which determines the speed of opening and development of ore reserves, can be increased under certain conditions. Within the frame-work of the second direction, the mechanism of metal extraction is disclosed and the effect of mechanical activation of mineral waste from extraction and processing when transferring them to the category of technological deposits is shown. It is established that the degree of lead extraction increases non-linearly according to the polynomial law with an increase in the mass fractions of reagents at a high frequency of rotation of the rotors. The revealed features and patterns are applicable to substantiate the parameters of sustainable geotechnologies for the integrated development of polymetallic deposits. The research results may be in demand during the modernization of existing and planned mining and processing enterprises, as well as for the training of highly qualified personnel.

Keywords: technologies, research, innovations, metal leaching, processing tailings, drilling rig, wells, ore deposits, processing tailings.
For citation:

Golik V. I., Kondratyev V. V., Romanova V. V., Konyukhov V. Yu., Oparina T. A. Improving technologies for metals leaching during ore deposit development. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2024;(7-1):5-14. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2024_71_0_5.

Issue number: 7
Year: 2024
Page number: 5-14
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622:504.55.054
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2024_71_0_5
Article receipt date: 03.04.2024
Date of review receipt: 08.05.2024
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.06.2024
About authors:

V.I. Golik, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Technological University (MSTU), Moscow, Russia, Chief Researcher, Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 362002, Vladikavkaz, Russia, e-mail:, Elibrary: 497371, Scopus Author ID: 6602135324, Researcher ID: U-9000-2019, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1181-8452,
V.V. Kondratyev, A.P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 664523, Irkutsk, Russia, e-mail:,
V.V. Romanova, Transbaikal State University, 672039, Chita, Russia, e-mail:,
V.Yu. Konyukhov1, e-mail:,
T. A. Oparina1, e-mail:,
1 Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 664074, Irkutsk, Russia.


For contacts:

V.I. Golik, e-mail:


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