Comparative assessment of aerological risks at operating coal mines

Authors: Balovtsev S.V.

The intensification of mining production, its concentration, the complication of mining and geological conditions for the development of coal deposits associated with an increase in the depth of mining operations, necessitate the creation of an effective multifunctional safety system (MFSS) for coal mines, the most important structural element of which is aerological safety. Assessment, management and reduction of aerological risks in excavated areas is an integral part of the upper-air safety of mines and is an urgent scientific problem. The author analyzed the conditions of work in coal mines at the present time, provided statistical data on the main hazards of the mines being developed, it was found that the share of mine layers hazardous in terms of the explosiveness of coal dust is 91.3%. The average value of the absolute methane content in the industry was statistically established, equal to 60.5 m3 / min (reaches 251 m3 / min), the average value of the relative methane content in the industry, equal to 20.2 m3 / t (reaches 108.3 5 m3 / t). It was found that more than half of the 75 excavation areas use a combined ventilation scheme (with gas release control due to general depression, including the use of gas suction units), 27% of the excavation areas use a return-flow ventilation system and 23% of the excavation areas use a direct-flow ventilation ventilation scheme. A comparative assessment of upper-air risks in the excavation areas was carried out, for which the indicators of the predicted value of upper-air risks were calculated for three ventilation schemes: directflow, return-flow and combined. The calculations were carried out for mines of five categories, developing seams with a specific dust release from 250 to 1200 g / t for the types of hazards of mines: prone to spontaneous combustion, prone to rock bursts and prone to joint manifestation of spontaneous combustion and rock bursts. Mining hazards were considered for ventilation schemes without a diagonal connection and schemes that include an unstable diagonal connection. Calculations were made to reduce the aerological risk through the use of measures of the gas emission control system. The range of changes in the values of upper-air risk in the excavated areas was obtained, and their comparison was performed.

Keywords: upper-air safety, upper-air risk of accidents, vulnerability of the ventilation scheme, ventilation design, spontaneous combustion of formations, rock bursts, sudden outbursts, risk prediction, gas emission control.
For citation:

Balovtsev S.V. Comparative assessment of aerological risks at operating coal mines. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2021;(2—1):5-17. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-21-05-17.

Issue number: 2
Year: 2021
Page number: 5-17
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.831
DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2021-21-0-5-17
Article receipt date: 08.12.2020
Date of review receipt: 18.01.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 01.02.2021
About authors:

Balovtsev S.V., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, NUST «MISiS», Moscow, Russia, е-mail:

For contacts:

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