Sustainable development of the Russian Arctic region: environmental problems and ways to solve them

the Arctic region of Russia is of strategic importance to the country due to the presence of important sea routes, military bases and a wide variety of minerals. At the same time, despite the strategic importance of the region, its development is slow due to various environmental problems. In addition, there are various environmental problems that hinder the full development of the North of Russia (global warming, air, water and soil pollution). The threat of environmental instability is largely due to the activities of industrial enterprises in the region; as a result, the production process must be modernized in such a way as to eliminate or minimize possible risks to the environment. The article identifies the main problems of development of the mining and industrial complex of the Arctic region of Russia. The directions and ways of solving the identified problems, ways of achieving environmentally responsible nature management and establishment of circular economy in the region are considered. The main results of the study are the presentation of the relationship between the identified environmental problems and ways to solve them, the analysis of the negative impact of a number of mining companies on the Arctic environment, and the calculation of the economic effect of the introduction of water treatment facilities at the company of PAO MMC Norilsk Nickel.

Keywords: Arctic region, mining complex, environment, sustainable development, water pollution and purification.
For citation:

Romasheva N. V., Babenko M. A., Nikolaichuk L.A. Sustainable development of the Russian Arctic region: environmental problems and ways to solve them. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(10-2):78—87. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_102_0_78.

Issue number: 10
Year: 2022
Page number: 78-87
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_102_0_78
Article receipt date: 20.03.2022
Date of review receipt: 15.07.2022
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.09.2022
About authors:

Romasheva N. V.1, Cand. Sci. (Economic), Associate Professor, e-mail:, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3074-5137;
Babenko M. A.1, student, e-mail:;
Nikolaichuk L.A.1, Cand. Sci. (Economic), Associate Professor, email:, ORCID: 0000-0001-5013-1787;
1 Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 199106, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


For contacts:

Romasheva N. V., e-mail:


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