Influence of effector geometry on performance of all-purpose mobile subterrene

Authors: Pashkov D A

The article proves the currentness of advancement in subterrain heading engineering with focusing on power capacities of cutting effectors of a geo-rover—an all-purpose mobile subterrene (Russian term is ‘geokhod’). The distinctive features of effectors of the all-purposed underground heading machines of the Geokhod class are described. The mathematical model of the rock mass–geo-rover cutting effector interaction is presented. The model is used to analyze the influence exerted by the cutting effector geometrics of a geo-rover on the projection of the overall cutting resistance of rock on the geo-rover roll axis (PO) as well as on the projection on the plane perpendicular to the geo-rover roll axis (RIO), and on the cutting resistance moment for sharp cutters (MIO). The studies show that when the radius of the geo-rover is increased: the force of the rock–cutting effector interaction is enhanced. The projections of the overall cutting resistance of rock on the geo-rover roll axis and on the plane perpendicular to the georover roll axis as well as the cutting resistance moment are decreased at the increased radius of the generatrix. Furthermore, the increased pitсh of the outboard mover results in the increased values of the projections of the overall cutting resistance of rock on the geo-rover roll axis and on the plane perpendicular to the geo-rover roll axis, as well as in the higher cutting resistance moment for sharp cutters. The increase in the number of cutting arms of the geo-rover effector from 2 to 8 decreases the cutting forces by 8, 16 and 20% at ß = 3º, ß = 6º and at ß = 9º, respectively. The further increase in the number of cutting arms has no influence on the power capacity of the geo-rover effector in its interaction with rock mass at the assumed parameters of a geo-medium.

Keywords: underground structures, mining machine, geo-rover, all-purpose mobile subterrene, subterrain heading technology, operating features, mathematical model, effector, cutter.
For citation:

Pashkov D. A. Influence of effector geometry on performance of all-purpose mobile subterrene. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(6):109-120. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/ 0236_1493_2022_6_0_109.

Issue number: 6
Year: 2022
Page number: 109-120
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 622.23.05
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_6_0_109
Article receipt date: 26.02.2021
Date of review receipt: 05.03.2021
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.05.2022
About authors:

D.A. Pashkov, Graduate Student, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 650065, Kemerovo, Russia, Researcher, Engineer Research Center
«Digital Technologies», T. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, 650000, Kemerovo, Russia; е-mail:


For contacts:

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