Influence of underground mass explosion on protected objects of the industrial site in case of collapse of the interstory whole

Within the boundaries of the mining branch of JSC Kyshtymsky MCC the underground large-scale blast was made to cave in the interstorey pillar with the maximum explosive weight 963 kg at the spacing stage. The Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of RAS has received a task to study the seismic impact of the underground large-scale blast on the protected objects of the industrial site of Kyshtymsky underground mine located in the close proximity to the sites of blast works. The aim of the work is to determine the seismic stability of grounds on sites of the protected objects and the permissible values of vibration velocities for buildings of JSC Kyshtymsky MCC. It is also necessary to determine the permissible distances from the blast to the protected objects for 5 engineering-geological elements on the basis of physical and mechanical properties of deposit rocks. On the basis of the initial data, according to the method of the Institute of Mining of Ural Branch of RAS, the authors have performed a complex of calculations of seismic stability of grounds on sites of the objects to determine the permissible values of vibration velocities for buildings of JSC Kyshtymsky MCC. The authors have also performed a multiversion calculation of permissible distances from the blast to the protected objects for 5 engineering-geological elements (EGE) depending on the the explosive weight at the spacing stage, the coefficient of ground conditions and the permissible velocity of seismic vibrations. As a result of comparison of the calculated values and experimental measurements, the recommendations have been given to establish the limitation of the explosive weight at the spacing stage to the level of minimum hazardous values during the large-scale blasts in the underground mine.

Keywords: blast works, parameters of drill-and-blast works, explosive materials, explosives, means of initiation, protected objects, seismic impact of blast, velocity of seismic oscillations of soil, measures on seismic safe technology of blast works.
For citation:

Kutuev V.A., Zharikov S.N. Influence of underground mass explosion on protected objects of the industrial site in case of collapse of the interstory whole. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2020;(3-1):368-382. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236-1493-2020-31-0-368-382.


the Research was carried out within the framework of the State task № 07500581-19-00, topic № 0405-2019-0005 (2019-2021), as well as with additional involvement of contractual funds.

Issue number: 3
Year: 2020
Page number:
Article receipt date: 21.11.2019
Date of review receipt: 11.02.2020
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 20.03.2020
About authors:

Kutuev V.A.1, Researcher at the laboratory of rock destruction, e-mail:;
Zharikov S.N.1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), leading researcher, head of the laboratory, e-mail:;
1 The Institute of Mining of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 620075, Ekaterinburg, Russia.


For contacts:

Kutuev V.A., e-mail:


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