Optimizing geometry of capacity units for reactive power compensation in power supply systems in extraction areas in mines

This study aims to describe approaches to determination of capacity, stages, number and locations of mine capacitor units in underground power supply systems in extraction areas in coal mines using simulation modeling and optimization at the stages of power supply system engineering and operation. The article offers a capacitor unit characterization algorithm and application recommendations. The proposed approach was tested by means of simulation modeling of a power supply system in an extraction area of a coal mine in the Kemerovo Region using the power supply system analysis software DigSILENT PowerFactory. The optimization methods involved in the set problem solving are compared. The research findings prove that: the highest economic effect is achievable at reactive power compensation at the engineering stage of power supply systems for extraction areas; the use of the proposed approach allows higher economic effect of reactive power compensation by 16% as compared with the capacitor unit characterization methods without simulation modeling.

Keywords: reactive power compensation, optimization, energy efficiency, simulation modeling, coal mine, PowerFactory, capacitor unit, power supply system.
For citation:

Voronin V. A., Nepsha F. S. Optimizing geometry of capacity units for reactive power compensation in power supply systems in extraction areas in mines. MIAB. Mining Inf. Anal. Bull. 2022;(12):94-108. [In Russ]. DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_12_0_94.


The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, State Contract No. 075-03-2021 138/3.

Issue number: 12
Year: 2022
Page number: 94-108
ISBN: 0236-1493
UDK: 621.316
DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_12_0_94
Article receipt date: 11.06.2022
Date of review receipt: 10.08.2022
Date of the editorial board′s decision on the article′s publishing: 10.11.2022
About authors:

V.A. Voronin1, Researcher, e-mail: voroninva@kuzstu.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7242-9100,
F.S. Nepsha1, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Researcher, e-mail: nepshafs@kuzstu.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7468-2548,
1 T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, 650000, Kemerovo, Russia.


For contacts:

V.A. Voronin, e-mail: voroninva@kuzstu.ru.


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