A. B. Zhabin — Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Tula State University, Head of the Tula Division of the Academy of Mining Sciences, Tula, Russia
Alexander Zhabin
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor , Department of Geotechnique and Geotechnology, Tula State University, Head of the Tula Division of the Academy of Mining Sciences, Tula, Russia.
Date of birth: September 3, 1953.
Graduated magna cum laude from the Mining Faculty of the Tula Polytechnic University as a specialist in Mining Machines and Machinery Systems.
Academic degree and rank: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.
Area of research expertise: waterjet technique and technology, coal and rock breakage, driving and stoping machines, mechanical–chemical activation of substances.
Professional activity:
A. Zhabin is Professor at the Department of Geotechnologies and Construction of Underground Structures at the Tula State University. Delivers lectures on engineering and design of mining machines and machinery systems, processing equipment, reliability of mining machines, etc. for specialists and masters. At the Department, he is in charge for education on mining machines. Member of guidance committee in the field of mining machines and machinery systems.
Under his guidance 20 doctors of sciences and 60 candidates of sciences took their degrees.
Registration certificates and membership:
• Full Member of the Academy of Mining Sciences;
• Member of the Presidium and Chairman of the Waterjet Technologies Section of the Tula Region Division of the Academy of Mining Sciences;
• Editorial board member of the research, analysis and methods journal Gornye mashiny i elektromekhanika (Mining Machines and Electromechanics);
• Member of two doctorate dissertation councils.
• Medal For Prowess in Labor;
• Miner’s Glory Badge of the First and Third Degree.
A. Zhabin published more than 400 scientific works, including 21 monographs, 13 educational aids, 100 author’s certificates and invention patents in the field of mining machine engineering.
Place of work: Tula State University.
Contact details:
Е-mail: troagn@mail.ru