G. P. Sidorova — Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia
Galina Sidorova
Graduated from the Chita Polytechnic Institute on specialty of Hydrology and Geological Engineering, qualified Mining Engineer and Hydrogeologist; postgraduate studies at the Chita State University (2005–2007); defended Candidate’s dissertation in 2007; doctorate studies at the Chita State University (2009–2012); defended Doctor’s dissertation in 2014.
2008 extension courses on Information Technologies in Education (Novosibirsk) and short-term refresher courses on Geological Engineering Surveys at the Chita State University. 2017—professional improvement under the Educational Institution Pedagogue Program at the Additional Training Department at the Transbaikal State University.
Academic degree and rank:
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.
Area of research expertise:
Geoecology and geotechnology in mining.
Professional activity:
Lecturer of extension courses on geological engineering and geocryology at the Transbaikal State University.
Under her supervision, 45 diploma projects and graduation works, and 4 Master’s dissertation have been defended. Member of the Higher Attestation Committee.
Total length of service in science and education is 10 years.
Registration certificates and membership:
Member of the Higher Attestation Committee.
Selected publications:
Galina is the author of more than 60 publications, including periodicals entered in the scope of Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus and Web of Science, 2 monographs, 5 educational textbooks and 2 patents of invention.
Prizewinner of the All-Russian Competition for the Best Scientific Book in 2016.
Place of work:
Transbaikal State University, Department of Hydrology and Geological Engineering.
Contact details:
Personal webpage: