Academic degree and rank: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor.
Position: Head of the Chair of Physical Processes in Mining and Geocontrol at the National University for Science and Technology (NUST MISIS).
Education: In 1982 graduated from the Moscow Mining Institute and defended his candidate theses: Method of Quality Rock Blasting in Open Pit Mines in 1989.
Area of research expertise:
Physics of rocks; physical processes in mining; internal structure and properties of geo-materials (included non-destructive methods); rock failure. Since 2011 he is a Doctor in Physics and Mathematics (doctoral theses: "Methods of Mathematical Modeling of Thermal Memory Effect Acoustic Emission in Geomaterials", Specialty 05.13.18-Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Systems).
Author of more than 70 publications devoted to scientific research and training. Author of Hydromechanics Textbook.
Affiliation: NUST MISIS.
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