A. V. Antsiferov — Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Russian Federation

Andrey V. Antsiferov

Date of birth: 1953

Academic degree and rank:

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Professional activity

Scientist in the field of mining geophysics

Professional activities:

1) development of theory and methodology of mine seismics in complicated geological conditions of coal fields in Ukraine using modern finite-difference methods in mathematical modeling of propagation of seismic vibrations in intact and dislocated coal seams, and improvement of mine seismics techniques toward high-reliable and efficient prediction of faults in coal seams;

2) geoelectric analysis of ore deposits and oil/gas/condensate reservoirs;

3) examination of methane accumulations in coal-bearing strata using land seismics;

4) prediction and investigation of geological conditions of coal occurrence for extended and deep-level mining


Full holder of the Honorary Badges of Miner’s Glory and Miner’s Valour; awarded with the title of the Honorary Explorer; winner of the Subbotin Prize of the Presidium of NAS of Ukraine; awarded with the Luchitsky and Lutugin Medals, Gold Badge of the Ukrainian Union of Geologists, Order of Merit, 3rd degree, Badge of Honor, 3rd degree, Badge of the Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Donetsk People’s Republic; holder of the Certificate of Honor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Publications, achievements and recognition:

Author of more than 260 scientific works, including 16 monographs, 2 educational books, 29 author’s certificates and patents, 1 discovery patent, 4 guidance documents of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine. His research findings are introduced into production at 68 mines of 17 coal mining holdings in Ukraine. He is a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of RANIMI Transactions (earlier the Transactions of UkrNIMI of NAS of Ukraine), Editorial Board member of FTPRPI journal—Russian version of the Journal of Mining Science of the Siberian Branch RAS, Editorial Board member of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Donetsk State University


Research Manager, Republican Academic Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics, Geophysics and Surveying—RANIMI


Phone: +7 (856) 300-27-91 (office)

Fax: +7 (856) 300-27-92 (office)

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