E. Yu. Kulikova — Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia

Elena Yu. Kulikova 

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Departments “Construction of Underground Structures and Mining Enterprises”, “Safety and Ecology of Mining production” of NUST MISIS
Date of birth: 1967, May 16
EDUCATION: Higher education: Moscow State Mining University. Specialty “Construction of Underground Structures and Mines”, qualification: Mining Civil engineer, Diploma with honors (1989).
Ph.D. – 1992, Dr. Sc. – 2003.
Academic degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences (2003).
Academic title – Professor (2007) at the Department of Construction of Underground Structures and Mines.
Field of professional interests: risks in urban underground construction. environmental safety while the development of the underground space of cities, geoecology, construction geotechnology, underground urbanism, filtration reliability of underground structure, substantiation of criteria and methodology of geotechnological and geoecological safety.
Scientific guidance: Doctoral thesis – Dmitry S. Konyukhov (successfully defended in 2023), PhD thesis – Elena V. Potapova (successfully defended in 2023).
Dissertation Councils, Editorial Boards of Journals: Dissertation Councils of Geoecology, Geotechnology, Technosphere Safety of NUST MISIS.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Ecology and Industry of Russia”.
Publications: author of 253 (63 of them co-authored) scientific papers, including 12 monographs, 35 textbooks and teaching aids and 2 patents. Over the past 5 years: 47 scientific papers have been published, including 2 monographs.
• ORCID: 0000-0002-9290-671X.
• РИНЦ AuthorID: 528922.
• Scopus AuthorID: 55827930100.
• SPIN-код: 6674-6807.
+7 499 230-24-57

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