I. O. Temkin — Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Department, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia

I. O. Temkin

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Department, NUST MISIS


Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building, Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering, Speciality: Computing Equipment Design Engineer.

Research area:

—Modeling complex production and socioeconomic systems;

—Intelligent control in robotic technologies and production;

—Data Science;

—Geoinformation science and technology control in mining industry.

Scientific output, expertise and recognition

  • Research Supervisor—Integrated R&D Project: Intelligent Methods and Systems for Mining Industry (Program of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology);
  • Head and Executive Officer—three R&D projects supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and by the Russian Science Foundation (2016–2021);
  • Head of research and education projects under the auspices of the Public Chamber at the President of the Russian Federation, in particular: Natural Sciences in Russian School, Science toward Environmental Education in Russia, etc;
  • Member of editorial boards of three peer-reviewed journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases;
  • Author of more than 100 scientific publications, including 23 publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases;
  • Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Scientific supervision of postgraduate education:

Trains post-graduate students since 2011, 7 post-graduates have successfully defended their dissertations.

Dissertation supervision on:

05.13.01. System analysis, control and processing of information (industry);

05.13.06. Automation and control of process flows and technologies;

25.00.35. Geoinformation science. 

Contact data:

e-mail: igortemkin@yandex.ru  temkin.io@misis.ru

office phone: +74992302471


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