С. Drebenstedt — Doctor of Honor at the Moscow State Mining University (NUST MISIS), Professor, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Carsten Drebenstedt
Doctor of Honor at the Moscow State Mining University, Professor at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany).
Prof. Carsten Drebenstedt is a renowned researcher in the field of open pit mining. The scope of his research activities encompasses a wide range of issues associated with engineering of mining and haulage equipment assemblies, rational nature management and environmental protection, rehabilitation and reclamation of disturbed lands, computer-aided modeling and mine planning.
Prof. Carsten Drebenstedt is the author of 316 publications, including 14 monographs and textbooks, 11 patents; he is the Doctor of Honor at 6 foreign universities. MIS&S Grant Winner.
Prof. Carsten Drebenstedt is a graduate of the Moscow Mining Institute and has been maintaining cooperation with the institute for many years.